
Minor SSE API changes

From: Pavel Bucek <pavel.bucek_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2017 12:10:18 +0200

Dear experts,

we did a couple of changes in SSE API:

- removed SseEventSource.Builder#named(...)

the intention was to name threads used by the event source, but in the
light of future change, which should introduce "common" per-client
thread pool(s) for async operation, this won't be feasible to have there
(since it would require creating another threadpool per SseEventSource

- SseEventSource now implements Flow.Source<InboundSseEvent>

seems like we'd need to have some form of Publisher and Subscriber,
currently named as Source and Sink in the API. The main reason would be
integration with other frameworks - without it, it would be harder to do
without a good reason.

Also, during the implementation and rewriting "old" Jersey examples, one
difficulty was discovered. It used to be possible to create a
broadcaster statically, which simulates "per resource class" scope. The
problem is that currently the only way how to create a new
SseBroadcaster is injecting Sse object. But that is not available during
static initialization and since JAX-RS resources are by default
request-scoped, storing the SseBroadcaster instances might be a
challenge for some users.

Does anyone see the same issue as we do?

Would someone object if we add methods like


which would serve as a storage for broadcasters? (semantically it could
be "get-or-create", passed String or Class would serve as a key).

Thanks and regards,