
NIO API review / Publisher<Pojo> vs Mono<Pojo>

From: Pavel Bucek <pavel.bucek_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 08:45:33 +0100

Dear EG members,

thanks for the feedback provided for the initial topic.

I do see it that there is a general agreement that using Flow APIs is a
way we'd like to explore.

One of the part of problems we are trying to solve is how to provide an
access to the entity when mapped to POJOs. Source<POJO> can produce
infinite list of POJOs, but http entities are generally finite (let's
not include SSE yet). Do you have any thoughts about having an ability
to signal that the resource method will consume/produce only single pojo

@POST @Path("/ex2")
@Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)public void ex2(Flow.Publisher<POJO> entity,
                 @Suspended AsyncResponse response) {
// ...

Consider snippet above.

JAX-RS implemenantions most likely won't handle separators, since they
are custom and we are not going to specify the format of the entity in
any way, it's up to the MessageBodyReaders/Writers. The implementation
will most likely provide only support for serializing/deserializing
single pojo, as it does now.

There is relevant comment (linked also from the kickoff email):

// Multiple items vs single one // // The #writeTo method can be written
in a way, which can react to a stream or single event and producing //
appropriate output. Something like: // //
entityPojoPublisher.subscribe(new Flow.Subscriber<NioResource.POJO>() {
// // volatile NioResource.POJO cache = null; // volatile boolean
moreThanOne = false; // // @Override // public void
onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription subscription) { //
subscription.request(Long.MAX_VALUE); // } // // @Override // public
void onNext(NioResource.POJO item) { // if (item == null) { //
this.cache = item; // } else { // if (moreThanOne) { // entity.onNext(/*
separator if needed */ null); // entity.onNext(/* pojo2bytes(item) */
null); // } else { // moreThanOne = true; // // entity.onNext(/* root
elem start */ null); // entity.onNext(/* pojo2bytes(cache) */ null); //
entity.onNext(/* separator if needed */ null); // entity.onNext(/*
pojo2bytes(item) */ null); // } // } // } // // @Override // public void
onError(Throwable throwable) { // // handle Error // } // // @Override
// public void onComplete() { // if (!moreThanOne) { // entity.onNext(/*
pojo2bytes(cache) */ null); // } else { // entity.onNext(/* root elem
end */ null); // } // entity.onComplete(); // } // });

This is obviously valid for both client and server side and for
consuming and producing. Producing might be little different (since we
CAT return stream of POJOs (we do have SSE), so let's focus on server
and consuming part.

As stated in in the subject, do we need something like "Mono" (publisher
guaranteed to publish only single event)?

Looking forward for any comments.

Thanks and regards,