Hi All,
The documentation at [1] says/shows the examples:
// register GzipInterceptor as a ReaderInterceptor
// as well as a WriterInterceptor
followed by
// override the priority of registered GzipInterceptor
// and both of it's provider contracts
config.register(GzipInterceptor.class, 6500);
Meaning that the previous GzipInterceptor registrations for its
contracts with some priority is replaced, with 6500 being a new priority.
And then "As a general rule, for each JAX-RS component class there can
be at most one registration..." with this example:
config.register(GzipInterceptor.class, WriterInterceptor.class);
config.register(GzipInterceptor.class, 6500); // Rejected by runtime.
So in (1) the second registration of GzipInterceptor is accepted, but in
(2) - no.
This is a bit confusing. What am I missing, can you please clarify ?
Thanks, Sergey