
Re: Different algorithms for sorting MBRs and MBWs

From: Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <Santiago.PericasGeertsen_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 08:14:10 -0400

> On Apr 1, 2015, at 5:29 PM, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyozkin_at_talend.com> wrote:
>>>> Perhaps providing a complete example may help :)
>>> CXF has a primitive provider (Boolean, Character, Number) as MBR<Object>,
>> I see where your coming from now :)
>>> it (now) enforces a spec requirement that these primitives are only
>>> supported by default if it is text/plain by doing an internal check in
>>> its isReadable, it has no explicit Consumes.
>> Why no explicit @Consumes? This does not seem right to me.
> What is non compliant in writing a provider that prefers to do a media type check itself as opposed to expecting the runtime do it ?

 Because the algorithm in Section 4.2.3 states that it looks at the @Consumes. If you don’t have one, then that affects the outcome of the algorithm. In particular, the following sentence from Section 4.2.3:

Sorting of media types follows the general rule: x/y < x/* < */*, i.e. a provider that explicitly lists a media types is sorted before a provider that lists */*.

>>> A custom MBR<Boolean> is registered without Consumes. The test expects
>>> the default primitive provider is to be selected based on the fact the
>>> spec requires that it supports text/plain.
>> If the built-in had @Consumes(text/plain) and the custom
>> @Consumes(*/*) (same as not @Consumes), then the primitive would be
>> selected if the media type is text/plain.
>>> I think the spec does not require how its requirements that only
>>> text/plain payloads can be mapped to Boolean/etc, but I'm wondering,
>>> even if we had
>>> @Consumes(text/plain)
>>> BooleanAndNumberAndCharacterMBR<Object>
>>> then how would it win over a custom
>>> @Consumes(*/*)
>>> BooleanMBR<Boolean>
>> Step 3 in 4.2.1 refers to Section 4.2.3 where concrete media types
>> like text/plain are preferred (sorted) over */* (or say text/*). Thus,
>> isReadable should be tried on the built-in first and it should be used.
> I honestly do not get it.
> How come BooleanAndNumberAndCharacterMBR<Object> will get selected if you have said earlier that if we have B extending A, MBR<A> and MBR<B>, a B parameter, in which case B must be selected ?

 Because I was assuming that a MBR<A> could only read A and a MBR<B> could only read B. You changed this when you allowed a MBR to support subtypes, as in the <Object> case.

>> It seems that Section 4.2.1 could be a bit more specific about this
>> “sorting” than what it is now.
> Why in quotes ?
> If we have
> BooleanAndNumberAndCharacterMBR<Object>
> BooleanMBR<Boolean>,
> then BooleanMBR<Boolean> wins, yes ?

 It depends on the values for @Consumes. If <Object> has text/plain and <Boolean> has */*, then no. Again see the sentence extracted from the spec above.

— Santiago

PS: We can follow up on Skype if you prefer.