
Re: Global post match ContainerRequestFilter and subresources

From: Marek Potociar <marek.potociar_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 15:47:13 +0100

Hi Sergey,

AFAIK, the only use case where response filter is invoked twice in Jersey is when there’s an exception thrown from a response filter, which is mapped to a response by an exception mapper and that response is again passed through the response filter chain (section 6.7.1 of the spec).

In general, request response filters should only be invoked once for a typical use case. Request filters should not be invoked on sub-resource locators at all.


> On 25 Mar 2015, at 14:06, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyozkin_at_talend.com> wrote:
> The user has reported that his experiments with Jersey have shown that in the below case Jersey invokes a global post-match ContainerRequestFilter once but ContainerResponseFilter twice.
> For the record, CXF invokes ContainerRequestFilter twice and ContainerResponseFilter once.
> I guess invoking a global ContainerResponseFilter twice in a case below is consistent with my reasoning that such a filter has a wild-card name-binding.
> Should it be (as far as global request response filters are concerned in the below example):
> ContainerRequestFilter: twice
> ContainerResponseFilter: twice
> ?
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 25/03/15 12:35, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I've had a user query and I'm reviewing the documentation at [1] and I'm
>> actually not sure if I understand it completely.
>> Right now, CXF will run the same global post-match
>> ContainerRequestFilter twice with the following service class:
>> @Path("rs")
>> public RSService {
>> @Path("sub")
>> public RSService sub() {
>> return this;
>> }
>> @Path("resource")
>> @GET
>> public Response get() {
>> //
>> }
>> }
>> and
>> GET /rs/sub/resource
>> once for the sub() method, and once for the get() method.
>> I vaguely suspect it might be wrong, but the docs at [1] mention that
>> both resource and subresource methods can be invoked when Name Bindings
>> are used and in case of a global filter it is effective a wildcard name
>> binding.
>> Marek, Santiago, can you please be nice (as you always are :-)) and
>> clarify: how many times a global filter is expected to be called in the
>> above case, 1 or 2 ?
>> Thanks, Sergey
>> [1]
>> https://jax-rs-spec.java.net/nonav/2.0-rev-a/apidocs/javax/ws/rs/container/ContainerRequestFilter.html