
[jsr339-experts] Re: [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Filters and generic entities

From: Bill Burke <bburke_at_redhat.com>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 09:21:06 -0400

What I mean is that either add those two methods, or change the
signature of getEntity() to GenericEntity getEntity(). Which I don't
think is possible because of backard compatibility?

On 5/13/2013 9:15 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
> I don't think Response.getEntity() should return a GenericEntity. It
> should always be unwrapped. Instead, Response should have getType()
> and getGenericType() methods. Either that, or Response.getEntity()
> should return a GenericEntity.
> On 5/10/2013 8:23 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>> Hi
>> Recall I was asking whether response filters should unwrap or return as
>> is GenericEntity instances and I believe all agreed that the filters
>> should unwrap, because, after all, they have API to allow for it
>> (getEntityType(), getEntityClass()).
>> Slightly different path:
>> Response r = Response.entity(new GenericEntity<List<String>>(strings) {
>> >> });
>> Object entity = r.getEntity();
>> Do we return List or GenericEntity instance here ? It appears to me it
>> should be GenericEntity, because returning List alone loses the type
>> information which was supposed to be preserved with GenericEntity in the
>> first place.
>> From the implementation perspective I can see how Response can unwrap
>> but then internally provide the extra type info to the runtime and
>> filters.
>> The case where this does not work well is ClientRequestFilter blocking
>> with a generic entity and the client code getting the unwrapped entity
>> and having to process it the untyped way.
>> That said we have Response.readEntity(GenericType). So I guess
>> Response.geEntity() should unwrap GenericEntity in the end.
>> Does anyone think it should not ?
>> Cheers, Sergey
>> On 22/03/13 21:21, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> I'm assuming GenericEntity is *not* returned. At least, that's the way
>>> I've implemented it.
>>> On 3/22/2013 5:03 PM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>>> On 22/03/13 18:19, Marek Potociar wrote:
>>>>> I'm not sure I understand, can you provide a piece of code that
>>>>> describes the use case you have in mind?
>>>> @GET
>>>> public Response get() {
>>>> List<String> strings = ...
>>>> return Response.entity(new GenericEntity<List<String>>(strings) {
>>>> });
>>>> }
>>>> public class MyResponseFilter implements ContainerResponseFilter {
>>>> public void filter(ContainerResponseContext context) {
>>>> //what is the entity, List instance or GenericEntity instance
>>>> context.getEntity();
>>>> //what is the entity class, List or GenericEntity class
>>>> context.getEntityClass();
>>>> //what is the entity type, parameterized type representing
>>>> List<String> or GenericEntity class ?
>>>> context.getEntityType();
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> I think the filters should not really see GenericEntity, though they
>>>> can
>>>> set a new entity as GenericEntity, but as far as the view of it is
>>>> concerned, GenericEntity is unwrapped
>>>> See what I am trying to clarify ?
>>>> Thanks, Sergey
>>>>> Marek
>>>>> On Mar 22, 2013, at 5:05 PM, Sergey Beryozkin<sberyozkin_at_talend.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Again - can I get some clarifications please ?
>>>>>> I'd rather not to browse through the RI code to deduce the answer :-)
>>>>>> I don't think I should open a JIRA for this, very minor question, so
>>>>>> would rather prefer to keep it on the list
>>>>>> Cheers, Sergey
>>>>>> On 19/03/13 21:20, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>>>>>> On 18/03/13 17:13, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>> What ContainerResponseFilter should return in getEntity(),
>>>>>>>> getEntityClass() and getEntityType(), when the application code
>>>>>>>> uses
>>>>>>>> GenericEntity class ?
>>>>>>>> I'm thinking that GenericEntity needs to be 'unwrapped' by the
>>>>>>>> filter
>>>>>>>> context implementation, but then if the filter implementation sets
>>>>>>>> "new GenericEntity..." then I guess it needs to get it back, in
>>>>>>>> getEntity(), so may be after all
>>>>>>>> getEntity(), getEntityClass() and getEntityType()
>>>>>>>> should return GenericEntity instance + GenericEntity.class ?
>>>>>>> I'm still thinking that 'unwrapping' GenericEntity makes sense even
>>>>>>> if a
>>>>>>> given filter replaces a current entity with GenericEntity, after all
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> filter which replaces an entity is more interested in the follow-up
>>>>>>> filters and writers to get the updates.
>>>>>>> So, to summarize, relevant ContainerResponseFilter getters should
>>>>>>> never
>>>>>>> return GenericEntity if the current entity happens to be
>>>>>>> GenericEntity
>>>>>>> (instance, class, type) but unwrap it.
>>>>>>> Agreed ?
>>>>>>> Cheers, Sergey
>>>>>>>> Thanks, Sergey

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat