On 09/25/2011 11:07 PM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi
> I'm wondering, what should the specification say about cases where
> HTTP ContentType or Accept contain malformed values.
You mean malformed in the sense of not following the definition in HTTP 1.1 spec?
> For example, should
> Accept: text
> result in 406 or 400 ?
Depends on the side IMO.
It would probably make sense to follow the "be conservative in what you produce" guideline and fail early with an
exception on the client side.
On the server side, all existing implementations should follow the spec and send back 415 (in case of
malformed/unsupported Content-type) or 406 (in case of malformed/unsupported Accept) - as per section 3.7.3, stage 3.a.
> I'd like to avoid defaulting 'text' to text/* - that would probably be illegal anyway
> Cheers, Sergey