On Jun 20, 2011, at 7:16 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
> I don't know anything about Validation whatsoever. Its probably a good thing to add. They only thing I worry about does Validation require an EE applicaiton server? If so, I'd like for JAX-RS to specify this integration with Validation as optional in non-EE environments.
Wasn't able to answer this question by skimming through the spec. But I found this reference document of the 303 RI [1]. It runs on SE. I have an AI to get in touch with Emmanuel Bernard about the integration proposal.
-- Santiago
> On 6/17/11 12:16 PM, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen wrote:
>> Hello Experts,
>> The last topic that we planned to cover during 2.0-i01 is Validation.
>> The main objective for this part is to support JSR 303 annotations in
>> resource classes. As well as to support some form of validation in the
>> client API.
>> A draft highlighting some initial thoughts is available for reviewing
>> [1]. Incidentally, our goal would be to depend on the upcoming Bean
>> Validation 1.1 spec that will also be part of EE 7.
>> -- Santiago
>> [1] http://java.net/projects/jax-rs-spec/pages/Validation
> --
> Bill Burke
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> http://bill.burkecentral.com