Service definition of function gv__getMultiContentFromSearch Service definition of function gv__searchForAlienKeys Service definition of function gv__getMultiContentFromAlienKeys Service definition of function gv__getContentFromAlienKey Service definition of function gv__insertNode Service definition of function gv__getNodeFieldsFromID Service definition of function gv__deleteContent Service definition of function gv__search Service definition of function gv__getNodeIDAtPath Service definition of function gv__addParentChildRelationship Service definition of function gv__addAlienKey Service definition of function gv__listParentsAlienKeys Service definition of function gv__editNode Service definition of function gv__deleteNode Service definition of function gv__getContent Service definition of function gv__getNodeLabel Service definition of function gv__removePeerRelationships Service definition of function gv__removeParentChildRelationship Service definition of function gv__createNode Service definition of function gv__addPeerRelationship Service definition of function gv__listChildIDs Service definition of function gv__getNodeAlienKeys Service definition of function gv__getMultiContent Service definition of function gv__listParentNodes Service definition of function gv__getNodeChildID Service definition of function gv__listChildNodes Service definition of function gv__getPathsToNode Service definition of function gv__moveChildren Service definition of function gv__getNodeIDFromAlienKey Service definition of function gv__registerGlobalInterest Service definition of function gv__getTotalNodeCount Service definition of function gv__editNodeWithContent Service definition of function gv__searchForMultipleAlienKeys Service definition of function gv__getNodeParentID Service definition of function gv__getAlienKeyAtPath Service definition of function gv__removeAlienKey Service definition of function gv__createNodeAtLocations Service definition of function gv__createTerm Service definition of function gv__deleteChildNode Service definition of function gv__getCategories Service definition of function gv__getLastUpdated Service definition of function gv__getLastUpdatedFromAlienKey Service definition of function gv__getNodeChildCount Service definition of function gv__getNodeFieldsFromAlienKey Service definition of function gv__getNodeFromID Service definition of function gv__getProviders Service definition of function gv__getTerms Service definition of function gv__getTopics Service definition of function gv__getWordHits Service definition of function gv__isDescendantOf Service definition of function gv__listPeers Service definition of function gv__nodeHasContent Service definition of function gv__setExtraParents Service definition of function gv__setPrimaryInstance Service definition of function gv__becomeSecondaryInstance Service definition of function gv__isPrimaryInstance Service definition of function gv__getPrimaryInstance Grapevine Object Layer