wscompile is a JAX-RPC tools, I wonder if NBs didn't clean up the build
file properly. Perhaps you can just comment it out.
Dennis Piccioni wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> thanks for your reply. This got me thinking in another direction. It
> turns out that the reason I could not select JAX-WS was because
> JAX-RPC was already added as a library to the project. Apparently this
> makes JAX-RPC the default and does not let you switch. So I removed
> the library and sure enough I was able to use JAX-WS instead.
> However, now the compilation did not complete due to something else:
> wscompile-init:
> C:\java\projects\NetBeans\books\nbproject\build-impl.xml:338:
> taskdef class cannot be found
> BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
> The line the error report points to is:
> <taskdef classname=""
> classpath="${wscompile.classpath}" name="wscompile"/>
> On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 14:34:30 -0700, Doug Kohlert
> <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
>> This WSDL is uses the document/literal style. You would be much better
>> off using JAX-WS. I am not sure why NetBeans 6 is not allowing you to
>> choose JAX-WS, unless you have specified Java EE 4. I have successfully
>> imported the WSDL with NetBeans 5.5.1.
>> Dennis Piccioni wrote:
>>> Using Netbeans 6 beta 1 Java SE edition. I also installed the plugins
>>> for XML, WSDL and Web Services.
>>> When I add a Web Service Client from this WSDL, using JAX-RPC (the
>>> only choice, it is the default in the 'JAX Version' combo box, which
>>> is disabled:
>>> building always generates these errors:
>>> Copying 1 file to
>>> C:\java\projects\NetBeans\books\build\generated\wsclient\wsdl
>>> error: the following naming conflicts occurred:
>>> amazon.ListType_Enumeration
>>> ...
>>> wscompile failed
>>> BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
>>> where 'amazon' is the package name.
>>> I Googled this and found this reply in a Sun forum:
>>> WSDL:
>>> Is not intended for current version of Java ME web services
>>> (JSR172) due to unsupported data types.
>>> but I'm using Java SE, not ME.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dennis
>>> Regards,
>>> Dennis
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> Regards,
> Dennis
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