Re: Confused and need help....

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 10:42:41 -0700

I am sorry, dont think there is anyway. FYI, JAX-RPC is not active and I
would suggest you move over to using JAX-WS RI.



BJ wrote:
> Vivek, thanks for the response. Yes, I am using wscompile given wsdl to
> generate java class but I am not using JAX-WS RI 2.1.1. Is it doable without
> Thanks.
> Vivek Pandey wrote:
>> You mentioned wscompile, which was wsdl to java tool in JAX-RPC. If you
>> are using JAX-WS RI 2.1.1 and beyond, you should not see this problem,
>> provided your endpoint is either WSDL first, where wsimport will
>> generate @XmlSeeAlso[1] with all the base and sub classes allowing base
>> classes to be returned.
>> If it is Java first case, then you need to annotate your endpoint class
>> with @XmlSeeAlso, for example:
>> @XmlSeeAlso(PaymentInfo.class, CreditCardPaymentInfo.class)
>> Similarly you need to run wsimport on your client so that the stub is
>> generated with @XmlSeeAlso annotations with all the relevant classes.
>> -vivek.
>> [1]
>> BJ wrote:
>>> In my webservice, I have a method called getPaymentInfo() that returns a
>>> base
>>> class PaymentInfo; it can also return CreditCardPaymentInfo class because
>>> this class extends the PaymenInfo class.
>>> My question is when I call this method, it always return the PaymentInfo
>>> class and I know for sure it should return CreditCardPaymentInfo class.
>>> I am using wscompile to generate the client stub. Is there any switch in
>>> wscompile I need to turn on/off to be able to get the right class back.
>>> Thanks in advance.
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