Nillable and -define

From: Jost Richstein <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 16:14:07 +0100


I am using JWSDP 1.6 and run wscompile (and wsdeploy) with the
-define option (reading my endpoint interface and define a service).
wsdeploy generates a WSDL (rpc/enc). So far so good, everything works fine.

What I am missing in the WSDL is the nillable attribute for elements.
I have a complex type in the WSDL, lets say

  <complexType name="Date">
      <element name="day" type="int"/>
      <element name="month" type="int"/>
      <element name="year" type="int"/>

What I would expect is a nillable="false", because that is way it is
implemented in Datexxxx_doSerialize:


and it is the way how my client proxies are generated (as int, not Integer).
The same happens for type="boolean".

Is there any way to get this nillable Attributes generated with wsdeploy
(and have, at the same time, for other elements like string a
