Dynamic invocation interface custom objects

From: Srinath K <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 18:26:25 +0530

Hi All,

Iam a newbie to webservices jaxrpc.
Iam trying with a webservice method which accepts as a parameter a
custom object
When I tried to invoke using a standalone client using DII way I get an
error saying
"faultString: No serializer found for class
org.SampleModel in registry

Can anyone let me know if iam missing anything

Thanks all in advance

My service interface looks something like this

1) public Collection sayHello(SampleModel model) throws RemoteException;

2) I generated wsdl and jaxrpc-mapping xml files using wscompile using
the command

wscompile -cp d:\test_workspace\test_workspace\bin
-gen:server -f:jaxbenumtype -d d:\META-INF\wsdl -mapping
d:\META-INF\sample-mapping.xml d:\config.xml

My config file looks like this

   <configuration xmlns="">

    <service name="SampleWebService"
      <interface name="org.SampleInterface"/>
            <class name="org.SampleModel" />


And I deployed the ws in jboss

3) I have a standalone client whose code is
 ServiceFactory factory=ServiceFactory.newInstance();
        Service service=factory.createService(new
        QName port=new QName("SampleInterface");
        Call call=service.createCall(port);


        QName QNAME_TYPE_STRING =new
QName("", "collection");

        call.setOperationName(new QName("http://sample","sayHello"));

        SampleModel model=new SampleModel();
        call.invoke(new Object[] {model});
        /*java.util.Collection col=(java.util.Collection)call.invoke(new
Object[] {model});
        System.out.println("Result "+col.size());

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