Better to use the 5.0 doc set:
-- Gj
Rico Cruz wrote:
> Jagan,
> It sounds like you would like to develop and deploy J2EE web services.
> Netbeans provides tools for creating, deploying and running these web
> services, based on JAXRPC and JSR 109. Here is a link to get you started:
> Also, you may want to browse Geertjan Wielenga's blog. He is a
> prolific writer on web services in Netbeans as well as other topics:
> Hope this helps.
> Rico Cruz
> Dulipala, Jagannadham wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am trying to prepare a simple web service application using JAXRPC
>> tools
>> I saw the simple and simple bean applications when I install jwsdp under
>> samples.
>> And I was able to run them successfully using
>> help
>> I want to take an Remote interface as a starting point.
>> Further I want to generate wsdl, ofcourse implementation classes I have
>> for my remote interface.
>> And also I want to prepare a ear file to deploy
>> I want the details of the deployment files to create the ear .
>> If any help how to proceed to create a web service application
>> (deployeble) on sun system.
>> Tools guides etc can helps me a lot
>> Jagan
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