Re: Deserializing extended types in default namespace

From: Jerry Pisk <>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 17:15:25 -0800

Let me reply to myself, I found the culprit.

In com.sun.xml.rpc.streaming.XMLReaderUtil.decodeQName(XMLReader
reader, String rawName) the source code actually states what is my

        // NOTE: Here it is assumed that we do not want to use default namespace
        // declarations and therefore a null prefix means "no namespace" and
        // not "default namespace"

There it is, no prefix means no namespace, not the default namespace.
On the other hand .Net in this context means no prefix means the
default namespace. I may or may not do additional research as to which
interpretation is correct in this particular case. Any additional
comments should be, imo, handled in the developers list.

Jerry Pisk