Re: [Fwd: SOAP Response Header changing response ContentType to application/fastinfoset]

From: Raman <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:48:26 +0800

Hi Santiago ,
 Please tell me from where I will download this path? is it available on <> ?

 On 9/15/05, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <>
> Hi Raman,
> We are actually aware of this problem, have a patch for it and are
> sorting things out to make this patch available from<>.
> An announcement will be sent to this list when the patch is available for
> download.
> Thanks.
> -- Santiago
> On Sep 15, 2005, at 1:03 AM, V B Kumar Jayanti wrote:
> *From: *Raman <>
> *Date: *September 13, 2005 10:21:34 PM EDT
> *To: *
> *Subject: **SOAP Response Header changing response ContentType to
> application/fastinfoset*
> *Reply-To: *
> Hi All,
> We are using JWSDP 1.6 to implement web services. We have one requirement
> to add response SOAP header. For this we are using JAX-RPC Handler. We are
> able to add response header successfully but when JAXRPC RI returning the
> response it changing response content type to application/fastinfoset. Which
> our client(AXIS) is not able to understand and we are getting SAXParser
> exception.
> Our code to add response header in handleResponse() method is :
> SOAPMessageContext smc = (SOAPMessageContext) context;
> SOAPMessage soapmsg = smc.getMessage();
> SOAPEnvelope se = smc.getMessage().getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
> SOAPFactory sFactory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
> SOAPElement sCustomHeader = sFactory.createElement(HEADER, PREFIX, URI);
> SOAPElement sTxnStatus = sFactory.createElement(CustomHEADER, PREFIX,
> URI);
> SOAPElement sTxnId = sFactory.createElement(PROVIDERTXNHEADER, PREFIX,
> URI);
> sTxnStatus.addTextNode(TRANSACTIONSTATUS);
> sTxnId.addTextNode (PROVIDERTXNID);
> sCustomHeader.addChildElement(sTxnId);
> sCustomHeader.addChildElement(sTxnStatus);
> SOAPHeader sh = se.addHeader();
> SOAPHeaderElement CustomHeader = (SOAPHeaderElement) sh.addChildElement
> (sCustomHeader);
> Thanks.
> Raman