Re: wsdeploy not generating a cooked war?

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 11:17:57 -0700

So the ExploreTapestry.war file is not created at all?

Ryan Cuprak wrote:

> Hello,
> I've downloaded jwsdp 1.6 and am trying to get a simple HelloWorld
> example up and running. I think I have everything configured correctly
> but wsdeploy doesn't output a cooked war or any helpful diagnostic
> information. Any suggestions?
> I am trying to get my service working inside of tomcat - already
> added the jars to the tomcat directories based on previous postings to
> this list.
> Thanks!
> Ryan
> Ant file snippet:
> <target name="jws-gen" depends="build">
> <wscompile
> keep="true"
> define="true"
> base="ExploreTapestry/WEB-INF"
> xPrintStackTrace="true"
> verbose="true"
> classpath="${bin}"
> config="${config.rpcenc.file}">
> <classpath>
> <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
> </classpath>
> </wscompile>
> </target>
> <target name="package" depends="jws-gen">
> <copy todir="${bin}">
> <fileset dir="src">
> <include name="**/**.hbm.xml"/>
> </fileset>
> </copy>
> <jar basedir="ExploreTapestry"
> destfile="ExploreTapestryPrep.war" />
> <wsdeploy
> classpath="ExploreTapestry/WEB-INF"
> outWarFile="ExploreTapestry.war"
> keep="true"
> verbose="true"
> version="true"
> inWarFile="ExploreTapestryPrep.war">
> <classpath>
> <path refid="compile.classpath"/>
> </classpath>
> </wsdeploy>
> </target>
> Ant output:
> Buildfile: /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/build.xml
> clean:
> [delete] Deleting directory
> /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/ExploreTapestry/WEB-INF/classes
> [mkdir] Created dir:
> /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/ExploreTapestry/WEB-INF/classes
> build:
> [javac] Compiling 13 source files to
> /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/ExploreTapestry/WEB-INF/classes
> jws-gen:
> [wscompile] command line: wscompile -d
> /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/ExploreTapestry/WEB-INF
> -define -keep -verbose -Xprintstacktrace
> /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/config.xml
> -classpath ..
> [wscompile] [creating model: HelloService]
> [wscompile] [creating service: HelloService]
> [wscompile] [creating port: net.cuprak.explore.HelloIF]
> [wscompile] [creating operation: sayHello]
> package:
> [copy] Copying 1 file to
> /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/ExploreTapestry/WEB-INF/classes
> [jar] Building jar:
> /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/ExploreTapestryPrep.war
> [wsdeploy] command line: -keep -source 1.1 -o
> /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/ExploreTapestry.war
> -verbose -version
> /Users/rcuprak/Documents/workspace/ExploreTapestry/ExploreTapestryPrep.war
> -classpath ..
> [wsdeploy] JAX-RPC Standard Implementation (1.1.3, build R1)
> Total time: 13 seconds

 - Doug