Axis & JWSDP saaj.jar/jaxrpc.jar version conflicts

From: Ryan LeCompte <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 13:58:30 -0400

Hello all,


I'm faced with the following problem. My project currently uses JAR files
from JWSDP 1.5 for our web services. I am trying to install jUDDI, which
relies on Apache Axis 1.2. The saaj.jar and jaxrpc.jar files are bundled
with the binary form of jUDDI, and reside in the webapps/juddi/WEB-INF/lib
directory. Note that we are running embedded tomcat, so the JAR files from
JWSDP 1.5 (saaj.jar, etc.) are already part of the classpath for embedded
tomcat. Problems arise when jUDDI is receiving requests, because it has
picked up the JAR files from JWSDP 1.5 that are part of the main classpath,
and NOT the jaxrpc.jar and saaj.jar files from /webapps/juddi/WEB-INF/lib.


1) Which version of jaxrpc.jar and saaj.jar does Axis 1.2 bundle? Are
these jars from JWSDP 1.5 or 1.4 or 1.6?

2) Is there a way to configure Axis or Tomcat such that it only loads
saaj.jar and jaxrpc.jar from /webapps/juddi/WEB-INF/lib and NOT from the
main classpath?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


