Use "fork = true" attribute on your wsimport. This I believe is a
bug in certain versions of wsimport but at one time I had the same
issue and was advised to "fork = true", not sure exactly what the
problem or resolution is but the fork fixed the problem for me.
On 7/12/05, Dave Kallstrom <> wrote:
> Newbie quick wsimport question
> Here's my taskdef
> <taskdef name="wsimport" classname="">
> <classpath refid="jaxws.classpath"/>
> </taskdef>
> Here's my ant target
> <target name="import">
> <wsimport
> debug="true"
> verbose="true"
> base="${dir.bin}"
> keep="true"
> sourceBase="f:/temp"
> wsdlFile="f:/temp/hello.wsdl">
> <classpath
> refid="jaxws.classpath"/>
> </wsimport>
> </target>
> Here's the error message
> <wsimport> type doesn't support the nested "classpath" element.
> How do I send the classpath if I can't use the nested "classpath"