Re: apt task does not generate WSDL or Schema

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 11:06:42 -0700

I just want to make sure you are clear on why wsgen has this option.
First, we do not expect, or desire
the web service developer to generate the WSDL/schema at tool-time and
package them in the WAR file.
The JAX-WS runtime will generate the wsdl/schema dynamically at
deployment time for you. The -wsdl
option was only added to the wsgen tool so that developers would have a
way to look at the WSDL/schema
that would be generated at rumtime. So basically, this option is just
there for convenience so you don't have to
deploy the web service to look at the WSDL. We left this option off of
the apt task on purpose so that
developers would not include the generated WSDL/schemas into the WAR
file. Of course, this could change
if we see a need to do so.

Fung, Kevin [IT] wrote:

>Should the apt task support an option to generate WSDL and Schema? Currently, apt task has to be used to parse the java source followed by the wsgen task to generate the WSDL and Schema. There are a lot of overlaps between these two tasks. If apt task supports the genWSDL option, the two steps can be combined into one.
>Kevin Fung
>Sr. Architect
>GCAT Engineering
>Citigroup, Inc.
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 - Doug