Re: ant task wscompile frustration

From: trebor iksrazal <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 10:30:37 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the reply.

Its the full Sun JDK that comes with Suse Pro 9.2 .
The solution I came up with - a bit drastic - is to
have an
ant properties tag:

And in my build.xml :

    <path id="classpath-jboss">
      <fileset dir="${}">
        <include name="tools.jar"/>

And with that all is well ;-)

--- Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>

> >
> > /home/crissilva> echo $JAVA_HOME
> > /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-sun-
> >
> > [echo] ant thinks java.home is =
> > /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-sun-
> >
> > So ant uses the JRE - didn't know that. Question:
> > $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib does not have tools.jar. How do
> I
> > tell ANT via $JAVA_HOME to get tools.jar? ../lib
> > seemingly doesn't work.
> Do you have just the jre installed and not the full
> jdk? Without the
> tools.jar file, wscompile will not be able to
> compile the code that it
> generates.
> Cheers,
> Bobby
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