If you're not wedded to your choice, you can replace most uses of choice
with polymorphism and have the same functionality.
Russell Butek
Web services consultant
IBM Software Services for WebSphere
512 940 8592
Anne Thomas Manes <atmanes_at_gmail.com> wrote on 05/06/2005 07:43:29 PM:
> 1) The JAX-RPC spec says that support for <choice> is not required for
> automatic binding. But the JAX-RPC spec also requires that all valid
> XSD constructs must be supported, and any construct that doesn't have
> automatic mapping support must be mapped to SOAPElement.
> 2) No. Well, not really. You can replace the <choice> with a
> <sequence>, and then specify that each element has minOccurs="0", but
> there's no way to ensure that the message will contain one or the
> other element and not both.
> 3) Workarounds: use SAAJ and process the XML manually or use a
> different JAX-RPC implementation that does support <choice>
> - Anne
> On 5/6/05, Alessio Cervellin <alessio.cervellin_at_sun-cs-italy.com> wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > As far as I can see it seems that wscompile (of JWSDP 1.5) doesn't
> support the <xsd:choice> element.
> > My questions are:
> > 1) is there a reason for that? According to the WS-I BP1.0
> specifications it should be supported (AFAIK)
> > 2) is there any equivalent syntax to replace in a WSDL which uses
> the above element?
> > 3) if not, are there any other workaround to use it?
> >
> > Note: Axis does support it... :P
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
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