Re: 5 seconds after response before a FIN is sent

From: Matt Swensson <>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 20:28:14 -0700 (PDT)

What you are saying makes sense, but I was unaware the default timeout
was 5 seconds. Thank you for your response.


--- Pete Hendry <> wrote:
> Matt,
> I believe you are seeing the effects of persistent connection
> behaviour
> (HTTP/1.1) built into the JDK. The default persistent connection
> timeout
> (from memory) is 5 seconds. This means that when you finish with the
> connection it is returned to a connection pool where it awaits reuse
> (when you close it, it is not really closed). If it is not resused
> within 5 seconds then it is removed from the pool and closed. It is
> at
> this point you see the FIN being sent. I'm not sure what Tomcat does
> for
> persistent connection timeouts, but it may also be 5 or (as with
> Jetty)
> 10 seconds so the client is likely to time out first and send the
> FIN.
> I believe you can stop this happening by setting the "Connection:
> close"
> parameter on the connection. It's a while since I dealt with this so
> this could be wrong. You will lose the "benefits" of persistent
> connections but you will also stop connections hanging around on the
> server potentially holding onto threads (this can become a problem in
> Jetty). Of course, if other clients connect to the server then they
> will
> most likely exhibit this behaviour too.
> Pete
> Matt Swensson wrote:
> >I am not sure if this is specific to jax-rpc, but I am using a
> jax-rpc
> >implementation, generating from a WSDL.
> >
> >What I am seeing while sniffing the network is that my client
> >application sends a request, gets back a response, and then 5
> seconds
> >later, it sends a FIN to let the service know it is done. I am not
> >sure why this is happening and was wondering if maybe there is some
> >setting (unknown to me) to have the FIN sent at the end of request
> >instead of waiting 5 seconds after a response is received to notify
> the
> >service.
> >
> >More info
> >This app is running inside tomcat.
> >The message factory impl being used is
> >com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl
> >
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Matt
> >
> >
> >
> >
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