Generating keystores and truststores for jwsdp-1.5 based on XWS-Security .....

From: jagan <>
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 09:21:58 +1000


Could any body pointing me to the documentation of the Generation of new
keystore and truststores based on x.509 version 3. I am able to use
keystore and trustore which are part of jwsdp-1.5 release in my
application. When I try to generate keystore and truststore using
keytool and openssl based on
"", I am facing
problems. As these stores are based on version 1 of x.509. I suspect
XWS-Security requires V3 certificates.

I will be grateful if any body could give me some details for
establishing new certificates based on v3 .

with regards,

Jagan Kommineni