Re: error: Attachment types are not supported in literal mode

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 09:38:52 -0800

Attachments are supported when starting from WSDL, however they are not
supported when starting from Java in literal mode.

mark pope wrote:

>I'm using JWSDP 1.5 and get this error message:
>error: Attachment types are not supported in literal mode - Type:
>I thought this was supported from 1.4 on.
>I'm running:
>wscompile.bat -cp target\classes -f:wsi -f:documentliteral -gen:server -d
>build -mapping receiveRawBidSetMapping.xml -keep -s src\java config.xml
>config.xml contains:
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <configuration xmlns="">
> <service name="ReceiveRawBidSetService"
> targetNamespace="http://mpopelt:8080/soa/2004-11-03"
> typeNamespace="http://mpopelt:8080/soa/2004-11-03/types"
> packageName="">
> <interface
> </service>
> </configuration>
>public interface InteropTestEndpoint extends Remote {
> public OutputDataType_Type receiveRawBidSet(
> AttachmentInfor pAttachmentInfor, DataHandler pRawBidSetAttachment)
> throws OutputDataType_Exception, RemoteException;
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