RE: JAX-RPC wscompile modeler error "" - anything wrong with my WSDL?

From: Uday Naik <>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 17:27:07 -0800

Thanks! Do you have a working set with the work around? I had already
tried what you suggested and could not get it to work.. Same
error...maybe I am doing something wrong. I added the namespaces to my
schema and imported it in the WSDL with that namespace. No luck.

I will file the bug on


-----Original Message-----
From: Vivek Pandey [mailto:Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 5:15 PM
To: Uday Naik
Subject: Re: JAX-RPC wscompile modeler error "" - anything wrong with my

I think I found the problem. You have nested xs:include(s) from the
schema inlined from your wsdl. All the included schemas have no target
namespace and do not have any prefix on the element's type. Possible
expectation here is that the including schema's (one inlined in the
wsdl) targetNamespace applies to each of the included schema. Well, its
a bug in wscompile tool of jaxrpc. Please file a bug on

Not sure if you want to do this - but as a workaround you may like to
transform the included schemas to add attributes:
targetNamespace="http://CreateParty" xmlns="http://CreateParty" on the
toplevel schema elements.


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