This is a saaj question and I will forward your mail to the SAAJ group.
They would know the reasoning behind the change and the
correct way to make a hollow message-
If you can please upgrade from jwsdp1.2 to jwsdp1.5 which
was recently released on java.sun.com.
Karr, David wrote:
>In JWSDP 1.1, I could call "MessageFactory.createMessage()" to create a
>"hollow" SOAPMessage. In JWSDP 1.2, that method throws an unsupported
>operation exception, so I have to use the "createMessage(MimeHeaders,
>InputStream)" method. What's the proper way to get a "hollow"
>SOAPMessage from this?
>I'm guessing I at least need to add a "Content-Type" header of
>"text/xml" to the MimeHeaders object. Will a null InputStream work?
>David M. Karr, Technical Specialist II
>TSG Data Delivery and Integration Services
>Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
>Washington Mutual
>1201 Third Avenue, WMT0914, Seattle, WA 98101
>206.490.7289 direct | 206.909.0664 mobile
>206.490.2262 fax
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