RE: Re: .NET request Wrapped-Document/Literal WSDL having wrapped void return value but WSDP doesn't seems to support this, any workaround?

From: Tardif, Sebastien <>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 17:56:59 -0500

I agree they are interoperable when the difference is just the placement of the parameters but if one of them are unable to read the WSDL or interpret it diffently(more than the position of the parameter) it's not interoperable.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jitendra Kotamraju [mailto:Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: .NET request Wrapped-Document/Literal WSDL having wrapped
void return value but WSDP doesn't seems to support this, any

Tardif, Sebastien wrote:
> Example:
> In the schema:
> <element name="importDocumentResponse" type="impl:emptyResponse_t"/>
> <complexType name="emptyResponse_t">
> <sequence/>
> </complexType>
> In the WSDL:
> <wsdl:message name="importDocumentRequest">
> <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="impl:importDocument"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> <wsdl:message name="importDocumentResponse">
> <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="impl:importDocumentResponse"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> will generate with JWSDP 1.5 a method like this:
> public emptyResponse_t operation(...);
> but expect:
> public void operation(...);
> Without a workaround that's mean that WSDP and .NET are not interoperable when using Wrapped-Document/Literal.

Signatures don't have to be same between JWSDP and .NET to be
ineroperable. The contents on the wire should be same so that a JWSDP
client interoperates with .NET server or vice versa.


> A search of file *.wsdl inside the package of JWSDP 1.5 return 0 file, probably meaning that WSDP goal is not to drive Web Services design and contract by a WSDL.
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