WSDL looks like it's been edited by com.sun.xml.rpc.server.http.JAXRPCServlet when it is served up

From: Jay Booth <>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:45:45 -0500

It looks like the com.sun.xml.rpc.server.http.JAXRPCServlet that gets
generated by wscompile/wsdeploy is taking the following two statements out
of the leading <definitions> tag of my WSDL file when it serves it up.

xmlns:tns="nt:hello" (nt:hello is my targetNamespace)

Does anyone know why this is? Is it a problem?

I ask because in my build process (I'm still on Hello World), I use my
interfaces to generate the WSDL file and WAR for the server, which seems to
work fine. However, when I try to generate my client by getting the WSDL
via HTTP from the server (so i get the most recent one), I get the error

'undeclared namespace prefix: "xsd"'

I telneted to port 80 on my test box and did a GET request for the WSDL and
the tag declaring the xmlns:xsd namespace was missing... but then when I
went to my deployment dir and opened the WSDL file it was there. So the
servlet must be stripping it out for some reason. Is this on purpose?
Should I just re-engineer my build to get a copy of the WSDL file and keep
it in my build directory somewhere?


PS. Resin for whatever reason can't unjar the war file that gets created by
wsdeploy. However if I go in and jar -xvf it everything works fine. Might
this have something to do with my problem? I really wouldn't think so. My
version of resin's a little old but it's a WAR file still, it should work.

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