Re: JWSDP 1.4 Redistributable components question

From: Rajiv Mordani <Rajiv.Mordani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 08:53:16 -0800

Hi Ryan,
        xsltc is integrated into xalan and is no longer a separate jar.


- Rajiv

Ryan LeCompte wrote:
> Hello Anita,
> I'm using J2SE 1.4.2_06. You mention that xsltc.jar needs to be part of the
> JAXP package, however I don't see an xsltc.jar file in the JWSDP 1.4
> distribution.
> Thank you,
> -- Ryan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anita Jindal [mailto:Anita.Jindal_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 4:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: JWSDP 1.4 Redistributable components question
> Hi Ryan,
> Some of the "jars" that you listed here should be part of your JDK/J2SE
> release.
> Which version of J2SE are you using for your development?
> Also, xsltc.jar needs to be part of the JAXP package that is bundled with
> the JWSDP 1.4 release. Here's the URL to the release notes for JWSDP 1.4
>; and it does show
> xsltc.jar as part of JAXP component.
> - Anita
> Ryan LeCompte wrote:
>>Hello all,
>>I have a question regarding the "redistributable components" in the
>>1.4 release notes page. Under this section, all of the components
>>(JAXP, JAXB, JAX-RPC, SAAJ, and JAXR) that can be redistributed are listed.
>>However, many of the JAR files that are listed as required for that
>>particular component do not ship with the JWSDP 1.4 archive (at least I
>>couldn't find them by doing a search for them in the installed directory).
>>Examples include: xsltc.jar, jcert.jar, jnet.jar, jsse.jar, etc. I've
>>been able to get my JAX-RPC application working by just including about
>>12 or so JARs from the JWSDP distribution in addition to JARs that I
>>already was using previously from other projects. Can anyone shed some
>>light on the licensing issues regarding the redistribution of these
>>components (and their corresponding JAR files)? The release notes page
>>says that if a component is redistributed, then all of its
>>corresponding JAR files and dependent components must also be included.
>>However, I don't seem to be able to find all of the JARs in my JWSDP
>>distribution that are listed there. Any help is greatly appreciated.
>>-- Ryan
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