JAX-RPC web service deployment vs. .NET

From: Ryan LeCompte <>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 18:00:17 -0500

Hello all,
Sorry if this is an off-topic post or not the right place, but I was
wondering about web service deployments in Java vs. .NET. When we deploy a
web service in Java, we basically package up all of the components in a WAR
file (endpoint interfaces/stubs, WSDL file, model file, etc.). However, in
.NET if you use the wsdl.exe utility with the /server option, it will
generate a C# file that implements the specified WSDL file. When you
"deploy" the web service, all you essentially have to do is implement the
generated C# abstract class and put it in the IIS directory as a *.asmx file
where normal web content is served. There doesn't appear to be a need to
package the web service into a bundle that includes the WSDL file. You can
even access the web service WSDL (which clealry isn't the exact same WSDL
file that was originally given as input to the wsdl.exe utility) via a URL
such as http://localhost/MyWebService.asmx?WSDL. A JAX-RPC client that was
generated via wscompile with the same WSDL file has no problems
communicating wiht the .NET web service implementation, either. Does anyone
have any experience with deploying a web service in .NET? Have you ever had
to package the WSDL with the web service if you're going from a WSDL file
with the wsdl.exe /server utility, or is it unnecessary to package it with
.NET? Sorry if this is off-topic.
-- Ryan