Re: HTTP transport error:

From: kathy walsh <Kathleen.Walsh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 13:48:18 -0400

do you note this problem using standalone jaxrpc?
I will look into this and let you know what I find-
It would be helpful if you could send me the clients dynamic proxy
example so that I can check for any problem I might see-

Potter, Brian L wrote:

> i've used J2EE 1.4 sdk to write a JAXRPC web service based on the
> dynamicproxy example in the J2EE 1.4 tutorial. it works great on my
> development machines, but when my customer deploys the service and
> makes a request, the client crashes with:
> HTTP transport error: JohnDoe
> at
> com.sun.xml.rpc.client.http.HttpClientTransport.invoke(
> at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(
> at
> com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.CallInvokerImpl.doInvoke(
> at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.BasicCall.invoke(
> at
> com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.CallInvocationHandler.doCall(
> at
> com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.CallInvocationHandler.invoke(
> at $Proxy0.login(Unknown Source)
> apparently the request is sent using the hostname (JohnDoe) instead of
> the IP address (which is what i used in the WSDL URL when i created
> the proxy). the client can ping the server using the IP address, but
> not using JohnDoe (for some network configuration reason i'm not
> entirely clear on).
> my question is: why is the request sent to the server by hostname
> instead of IP address?
> i found this after doing a google search on my error at
> If your RMI application throws an UnknownHostException, you can look
> at the resulting stack trace to see if the hostname that the client is
> using to contact its remote server is incorrect or not
> fully-qualified. If necessary, you can set the
> java.rmi.server.hostname property on the server to the correct IP
> address or hostname of the server machine and RMI will use this
> property's value to generate remote references to the server.
> but i don't know where i can set the hostname property in my server
> code, since it's not executed until after the request is made.
> btw, my development machines are running windows XP and NT, my
> customer is strictly NT.
> Brian L. Potter
> Software Scientist
> Solutions Group
> Intergraph Corporation (NASDAQ:INGR)
> 170 Graphics Drive, Madison, AL 35758
> P 1.256.730.8219 F 1.256.730.7514
> <>,