Re: Array in document-style SOAP binding

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 15:03:08 -0700

WS-I BP 1.1 disallows use of soapenc:Array in a document-literal or
rpc-literal wsdl[1]. considering this requirement, jaxrpc for literal
representation of message part (doc-literal or rpc-literal wsdl) does
not recognize soapenc:Array and maps it to SOAPElement.

You can have a simpleType extended by xsd:list to get the String[] as
java parameter.

<simpleType name="StringArray">
    <list itemType="xsd:string"/>

<element name="TerminalList" type="types:StringArray"/>

Or, you could define the complex type as

<complexType name="StringArrayType">

    <element name="StringArray" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<element name="TerminalList" type="types:StringArrayType"/>

provided the operation is unwrapped, String[] will appear as the java


Oliver Jaun wrote:
>I'm trying to define a document-style SOAP binding. So
>far it works. I even managed to have attachment
>The problem is that I now need a array as input
>parameter for one of my operations. In messages which
>are used in a document-style binding I MUST use the
>element attribute. I can't use the type attribute. I
>specified the following type and element:
> <complexType name="StringArray">
>        <complexContent>
>          <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
>            <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType"
>          </restriction>
>        </complexContent>
>      </complexType>
>      <element name="TerminalList"
>It compiles fine with wscompile (jwsdp 1.4, wscompile
>1.1.2) but when I look at the interface the array is
>mapped to SOAPElement.
>When I have a rpc-style binding and I specify
>type="types:StringArray" it is mapped to String[].
>How can I tell wscompile to map my
>TerminalList-Element to an Array?
>Thank a lot in advance. Following the complete WSDL:
><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
>  name="FileDistributorService"
>  targetNamespace=""
>  xmlns=""
>  xmlns:wsdl=""
>  xmlns:soap=""
>  xmlns:xsd=""
>  xmlns:types=""
>  xmlns:mime=""
>  xmlns:tns=""
>  xmlns:wsi=""
>  >
>  <types>
>    <schema
>        xmlns=""
>        xmlns:wsdl=""
>      <import
>          schemaLocation="WS-ISwA.xsd"/>
>      <import
>      <complexType name="StringArray">
>        <complexContent>
>          <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
>            <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType"
>          </restriction>
>        </complexContent>
>      </complexType>
>      <element name="TerminalList"
>      <element name="SliceName" type="xsd:string"/>
>      <element name="UpdateId" type="xsd:string"/>
>      <element name="FileReference"
>    </schema>
>  </types>
>  <message name="getConfigurationRequest">
>    <part name="terminalList"
>  </message>
>  <message name="getConfigurationResponse">
>    <part name="configFile"
>  </message>
>  <message name="getUpdateRequest">
>    <part name="updateId" element="types:SliceName"/>
>    <part name="sliceName" element="types:UpdateId"/>
>  </message>
>  <message name="getUpdateResponse">
>    <part name="updateRef"
>  </message>
>  <portType name="FileDistributor">
>    <operation name="getConfiguration">
>      <input message="tns:getConfigurationRequest"/>
>      <output message="tns:getConfigurationResponse"/>
>    </operation>
>    <operation name="getUpdate">
>      <input message="tns:getUpdateRequest"/>
>      <output message="tns:getUpdateResponse"/>
>    </operation>
>  </portType>
>  <binding name="FileDistributorBinding"
>    <soap:binding style="document"
>    <operation name="getConfiguration">
>      <input>
>        <soap:body parts="terminalList"
>      </input>
>      <output>
>        <soap:body parts="configFile" use="literal"/>
>        <mime:multipartRelated/>
>      </output>
>    </operation>
>    <operation name="getUpdate">
>      <input>
>        <soap:body parts="updateId" use="literal"/>
>        <soap:body parts="sliceName" use="literal"/>
>      </input>
>      <output>
>        <soap:body parts="updateRef" use="literal"/>
>        <mime:multipartRelated/>
>      </output>
>    </operation>
>  </binding>
>  <service name="FileDistributorService">
>    <port name="FileDistributorPort"
>      <soap:address
>    </port>
>  </service>
>additionally the included WS-ISwA.xsd:
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
> xmlns:tns=""> 
>	<xsd:simpleType name="swaRef"> 
>		<xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyURI" /> 
>	</xsd:simpleType> 
>Oliver Jaun
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Vivek Pandey
Web Technologies and Standards
Sun Microsystems Inc.
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