Re: Using DataHandler as return value from a method

From: Martin Marinschek <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 14:20:59 +0200

Hi Vishal,

this is my command-line (I am starting from Idea):

C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_04\bin\java -Didea.launcher.port=7532
-Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 -classpath

and I use the jwsdp1.4 files...

Would it work for you with say a 170MB file as well?

What I would need to know is if jax-rpc principally scales to any sizes
of documents if streams are used or if some restriction is built in as
the message is at some point of time put into a byte-array or something
like that?



Vishal Mahajan wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> I tried reproducing the problem you've reported. I wrote a small test
> which tries to internalize a soap message containing a (~)17 MB XML
> attachment, gets the DataHandler on the attachment, and finally prints
> the data as you are trying to do in your client code. The test passed
> with JDK 1.4.2_04 as well as with JDK 5.0. Can you please provide more
> information about your environment.
> Thanks,
> Vishal
> Martin Marinschek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> would there be no one interested in problems with large attachments?
>> Are webservices really only useful for small junks of data?
>> regards,
>> Martin
>> >> My original message
>> Hi there,
>> I am using JAX-RPC, and compile my WSDL from the following interface:
>> public interface ContentServer extends Remote
>> {
>> public DataHandler downloadContent(String userName, String passWord,
>> long id)
>> throws RemoteException;
>> }
>> Now I am filling the return value with the code in the respective
>> Impl-class (code of the impl-class can be found further below).
>> Finally, I compile client stubs for the code and run a small client
>> against those stubs - printing out the retrieved values:
>> public class DemoClient
>> {
>> public static void main (String args[])
>> throws Exception
>> {
>> ContentServer_Service_Impl service =
>> new ContentServer_Service_Impl();
>> ContentServer_PortType stub = service.getContentServerPort();
>> DataHandler handler = stub.downloadContent("exmam","xxx",45);
>> BufferedReader instr = new BufferedReader(
>> new InputStreamReader(handler.getInputStream()));
>> String str=null;
>> while((str = instr.readLine())!=null)
>> System.out.println(str);
>> System.out.println("success");
>> }
>> }
>> This works fine if the file is a rather small one (let's say up to a
>> megabyte), with larger files (I tried a 16MB file) I inevitably run
>> into the following exception, even though my memory should easily be
>> able to cope with the size of the file and I am using only stream-based
>> access....
>> Are there any restrictions on how large an attached file can grow in
>> using the JAX-RPC Datahandler mapping?
>> regards,
>> Martin
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
>> 04.10.2004 13:10:55 com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl <init>
>> SCHWERWIEGEND: SAAJ0535: Unable to internalize message
>> java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP transport error:
>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Unable to internalize
>> message; nested exception is:
>> HTTP transport error: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl:
>> Unable to internalize message
>> at
>> at.oekb.clearinghouse.webservices.client.content.ContentServer_PortType_Stub.downloadContent(
>> at
>> at.oekb.clearinghouse.webservices.client.content.DemoClient.main(
>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> at
>> com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(
>> Caused by: HTTP transport error:
>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Unable to internalize
>> message
>> at
>> com.sun.xml.rpc.client.http.HttpClientTransport.invoke(
>> at
>> com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(
>> at
>> at.oekb.clearinghouse.webservices.client.content.ContentServer_PortType_Stub.downloadContent(
>> ... 6 more
>> Exception in thread "main"
>> public class ContentServerImpl implements ContentServer
>> {
>> public DataHandler downloadContent(String userName, String passWord,
>> long id)
>> {
>> String dsName1 = "jdbc/roncalli_dev"; // JNDI name
>> javax.sql.DataSource ds1 = null;
>> Connection conn = null;
>> try
>> {
>> Context ic = new InitialContext();
>> Context ctx = (Context) ic.lookup("java:comp/env");
>> ds1 = (javax.sql.DataSource)ctx.lookup(dsName1); //
>> Problem here
>> conn = ds1.getConnection();
>> } catch (Exception e) {
>> e.printStackTrace();
>> }
>> InputStream dataStream =
>> XMLLoader.getAsAsciiStream(conn,"contents","id","data",id);
>> StreamDataSource src = new StreamDataSource();
>> src.setInputStream(dataStream);
>> src.setName("content.xml");
>> DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(src);
>> return handler;
>> }
>> public static class StreamDataSource implements DataSource
>> {
>> private InputStream _inputStream;
>> private OutputStream _outputStream;
>> private String _name;
>> private String _contentType = "text/xml";
>> public void setInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
>> {
>> _inputStream = inputStream;
>> }
>> public void setName(String name)
>> {
>> _name = name;
>> }
>> public void setOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream)
>> {
>> _outputStream = outputStream;
>> }
>> public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
>> {
>> return _inputStream;
>> }
>> public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException
>> {
>> return _outputStream;
>> }
>> public String getContentType()
>> {
>> return _contentType;
>> }
>> public String getName()
>> {
>> return _name;
>> }
>> public void setContentType(String contentType)
>> {
>> _contentType = contentType;
>> }
>> }
>> }
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