Re: how to write a simple service

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 01:29:54 -0700

You classpath has only the lib directories, it need to have the exact
filenames for each of the jars mentioned in the FAQ page [1].

If you use ant from JWSDP 1.4, then it will have all the appropriate
jars in the classpath already. Which ant are you using ?



amit anand wrote:

> hello sir,
> what i did this time is after executing wscompile once with -f:document/literal..(After getting a WSDL),I have modified config.xml and make it
> <configuration
> xmlns="">
> <wsdl
> location="./build/classes/AddService.wsdl"
> packageName="add" />
> </configuration>
> so that as i am starting with a wsdl..Now i executed wscompile with -gen option and then it had generated client stubs without giving any warning...
> Now again i made a raw war and using wsdeploy made a cooked war.and deployed it in tomcat...
> But again the problem is same in compiling the client ??
> i am showing u my classpath...
> C:\jwsdp-1.4\jwsdp-shared\lib;C:\jwsdp-1.4\jaxrpc\lib;C:\jwsdp-1.4\jaxp\lib;C:\jwsdp-1.4\jaxp\lib\endorsed;C:\jwsdp-1.4\saaj\lib;C:\jwsdp-1.4\apache-ant\lib;C:\jwsdp-1.4\jaxrpc\samples;C:\jwsdp-1.4\jaxrpc\samples\add\build\classes
> It is pointing to all of the jars u mentioned...
> Seriously sir i got frustrated as i am unable to run just a basic service....
> If u permits i can send u my code sir,,,,please sir help me out i got stucked....
> Waiting for an early respons from ur side
> Thaking You
> Regards
> -Amit

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