Re: Is Apache Axis required to deploy JAX-RPC application?.

From: Ramesh Mandava <Ramesh.Mandava_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2004 05:02:55 -0700

Hi Shaba:

> Dear Ramesh,
> This is an unusual error.all errors i am posting here is something
> unusual.becoz usually there is no error for other people.but typically
> for me.strange,but fun.enjoying the
> >Unfortunately I am not able to open the attachment which you sent me
> >either through "Real Player" or through "Windows Media Player".
> >Please send the log info in normal text format.
> I am attaching log file.Plz have a look on it.

Ok. The error seems to be specific to your installation. You are getting
NoClassDefFoundError for org/apache/tomcat/util/log/SystemLogHandler

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tomcat/util/log/SystemLogHandler

The mentioned class is part of

which would be loaded by Catalina "server class loader" itself. SO if
the installation is successful, you shouldn't face the problem.

I am suspecting the following

1) You may have CATALINA_HOME or CATALINA_BASE system property set
which is pointing to some old installation directory which was partially
deleted. Please check you system properties and make sure those
properties are not set
2) You may not have successful Tomcat installation.
    Please make sure that you downloaded "" from

and unzipped the zip file to get "tomcat-jwsdp-1.4" directory.

 You can try starting Tomcat BEFORE you integrate JWSDP 1.4 into this
 Once you are able to start Tomcat this way then you can go ahead and
Stop Tomcat and then integration JWSDP 1.4 onto this installation.

  If you still get any problem after confirming above 2 things, then
please let me know.


> Thanks,
> Shaba
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