Re: Is Apache Axis required to deploy JAX-RPC application?.

From: Ramesh Mandava <Ramesh.Mandava_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2004 23:28:16 -0700

Hi Shaba:

shaba dil wrote:

>Hi Ramesh Babu,
>Thanks for ur precise information.It's really
>helpfull.But even though i get the same error.
>> I extracted the attached target.war and find out
>>that you don't have endpointmapping for endpoint
>>with name "SunRegService".
>I have changed the endpointmapping to SunRegService.
>i have installed this tomcat.But this tomcat exits
>while i try to start up.

  What error message are you getting? I just installed The above
mentioned Tomcat and installed JWSDP 1.4 over that. Then I went to
<TOMCAT_HOME>/bin and did

 catalina.bat run

I can see the sever was up.

 Then I deployed the target.war which you sent me and see the Web
service is up at


I am seeing the following info


  Web Services

Port Name Status Information
SunRegService ACTIVE
Address: http://localhost:8080/target/sunreg
WSDL: http://localhost:8080/target/sunreg?WSDL
Port QName: {}SunRegPortPort
Remote interface: sunreg.SunRegPort
Implementation class: sunreg.SunRegImpl
Model: http://localhost:8080/target/sunreg?model


>But i installed Tomcat 5.0.19
>as another installation after that(downloaded from
>apache site).and put my target.war file to the webapps
>directory.But the same error is displaying.
  With the new Tomcat installation, you may not be having the full
environment setup needed for running JAXRPC based webservice. Because of
the need for some botstrap changes, the scripts provided with JWSDP 1.4
won't help you with this. I would strongly recommend you to try out
with the Tomcat version available at the above link.

 If you can give us more info like what error is coming up with the
recommended Tomcat setup, I can help you further.

 Please use "catalina.bat run" if you are using windows and let me know
what you see on the command tool.

Also if you are in USA, you can send me your phone number and I can give
you call and walk you through the steps.
We have break for whole of July second week ( July 5-July 10 ), but I
would still try to help you out with this issues as soon as possible for me.


>Now i have given URL
>And i have tried URL as you said also,That is,
>But both returns the error message as follows
>type Status report
>message /target/sunreg/SunRegService
>description The requested resource
>(/target/sunreg/SunRegService) is not available.
>Kindly have a look on it.I am attaching modified
>sunreg.war file with this.
>--- Ramesh Babu Mandava <Ramesh.Mandava_at_Sun.COM>
>>Hi Shaba:
>>>Hi all,
>>>I have created a .war file by using wsdeploy
>>>tool(attached file).
>>>Now i wanna deploy it in a webserver.The target
>>>is Tomcat4.1 or 5.0.
>>>I have placed my .war file in webapps directory of
>>>Tomcat.and ran Tomcat.But i could'nt able to get
>>>service from it.Tomcat says that the requested
>>file is
>>>my time is precious.I have even made buisiness and
>>>data tier of my application,when i successfully
>>>the JAX-RPC model,i can use JAX-RPC and i wanna
>>> anyone knowing plz help.
>>>I think it's a silly questien.A simple example.I
>>>attaching the sunreg.war file with it.Plz check it
>> JAX-RPC Standard Implementation is enough to
>>develop, deploy and invoke a JAX-RPC application.
>> I extracted the attached target.war and find out
>>that you don't have endpointmapping for endpoint
>>with name "SunRegService". Even though you defined
>>one endpointMapping element as part of
>>"jaxrpc-ri.xml" ( which is stored as
>>jaxrpc-ri-before.xml in the cooked war file), the
>> "endpointName" attribute value is set to
>>"SunRegEndPoint" which is not same as value "name"
>>attribute of "endpoint" element.
>> While using endpoint mapping you have to mention
>>"endpointName" value to be equal to the value of
>>"name" attribute of "endpoint" element.
>> Anyway because there is no endpoint mapping defined
>>for endpoint ( with name as SunRegService ) , JAXRPC
>>SI used
>> value of "name" attribute of "endpoint" element as
>>the "urlPattern". So the final URL of the webservice
>>would become
>> When I deployed your target.war in my Tomcat 5.0.19
>>version which is supported by JWSDP 1.4 ( available
>>to download at [1] ), the webservice is exposed at
>> Please look at the white papers [2] & [3] to
>>understand more about JAXRPC SI environment
>> Regards
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