Re: Pass XML document with document/literal

From: Dennis Sosnoski <>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2004 10:01:02 -0700

Larry Smith wrote:

>Has anyone tested document/literal
>to send/receive xml documents using
>JWSDP 1.3 from Sun, maybe even compared
>with rpc/literal style?
>I would love to hear from you if
>you have done so or know how to
>pass xml documents with document/literal.
I've done this for some performance comparisons between JAX-RPC RI,
Axis, and a data binding-based SOAP framework. I'll publish details to
my web site next week and will send a link to the list when I do.

I used a JAX-RPC RI tutorial example for doc/lit as a base (I think it
was the examples/jaxrpc/advanced/stubs code within the 1.3 tutorial),
then modified the configuration and the Ant build.xml to use my own
WSDL. The rather complicated processes involved in generating,
assembling, and deploying the code are all hidden within the build.xml,
so as long as you stick with their supplied samples as closely as
possible it's all pretty automatic. This assumes your WSDL type
definitions are simple enough to be handled by the built-in schema to
Java mapping.

  - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
Enterprise Java, XML, and Web Services
Training and Consulting
Redmond, WA  425.885.7197
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