Strange types generated by wscompile

From: Esmond Pitt <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 17:14:39 +1100

I have a service IShare defined by an interface also named IShare. When I
generate a static client I get an IShare_Service_Impl whose getISharePort
method returns an IShare_PortType, which in turn extends Remote and has the
IShare methods but does not extend IShare directly, requiring me to make use
of the generated IShare_PortType type in my static client code instead of my
own IShare type.

This setup is different from the static Hello client, whose
MyHelloService_Impl.getHelloIFPort method returns a HelloIF object which can
be used directly as shown in the code.

Why the difference in the generated code? is it due to the fact that my
service name is equal to my interface name? If so, in how many places in the
five or six .xml files do I have to change the service name? all attempts so
far being unavailing.



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