Excellent suggestion! It shows up in my mapping file via my wsdl.
I am using javax.xml.transform.Source as one of my arguments, I thought this was acceptable. My service has a single interface defined as:
public int compose(Source reportRequest, ByteArrayHolder composedOutput, StringHolder metaOutput);
reportRequest is a IN parameter
composedOutput and metaOutput are OUT paramaters
I generated my wsdl with wscompile and I have:
<simpleType name="text_xml">
<restriction base="string"/>
<message name="EngineServiceSEI_compose">
<part name="reportRequest" type="ns2:text_xml"/>
<part name="composeOutput" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
<part name="metaOutput" type="xsd:string"/>
ns2 is
Then the mapping file was generated with the bogus class type:
<java-xml-type-mapping id="JavaXMLTypeMapping_1078845767566">
<root-type-qname id="RootTypeQname_1078845767566">
<variable-mapping id="VariableMapping_1078845767565">
Steve Pruitt wrote:
> If you have never heard of it, then who knows what is going on. I
> thought I would ask this group in case because my service uses two
> jax-rpc classes as imports.
> Here is the the full exception dump. Mostly IBM goo, I guess I'll
> get lucky if someone can explain this weirdness.
Yep, it looks like IBM's code is trying to create an object from a class
that doesn't exist. Besides asking them, my only suggestion is to do a
search through any configuration files you have just to see if
"Text_Xml" shows up anywhere.
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