When generating your client from the WSDL did you use the
-f:searchschema flag?
Tim Lucia wrote:
>I've read all about how JAX-RPC (as supplied with JWSDP 1.3) supports
>Collection classes, including List and LinkedList. I have been trying
>(for several days) to return a LinkedList of beans from one of my
>functions. I can return a LinkedList of String objects without problem,
>but returing a list of my object always gives me a deserialization
>For simplicity, I have reproduced this using the tutorial 'jaxrpc-hello'
>example, in both the static stub and dynamic proxy clients. I've
>extended this example to have a "sayHelloList()" return a List of String
>objects (works) and a list of Foo objects (does not work.) I am using
>the ant build process in the tutorial otherwise untouched (except for
>including compilation units for Foo.java/Foo.class where necessary.) I
>also tried returning an array of String (works) and an array of Foo
>(does not work).
>It has to be that I am missing some configuration something-or-other
>that tells the client that the List contains "Foo" objects, while it is
>smart enough to figure out String on its own. I tried adding (to my
>config-interface.xml) <typeMappingRegistry><additionalTypes><class
>which did not seem to help. I even made Foo implement Serializable
>which didn't change anything either.
>BTW, A single Foo getFoo() object DOES return Foo correctly.
>Thanks in advance for any input.
>Tim Lucia
>/* A really simple Java Bean */
>package hello;
>public class Foo
> private int intVal;
> private String stringVal = null;
> public void setStringVal(String val) { stringVal = val; }
> public String getStringVal() { return stringVal; }
> public void setIntVal(int val) { intVal = val; }
> public int getIntVal() { return intVal; }
> public String toString() { return intVal + ":" + stringVal; }
>package helloservice;
>import java.rmi.Remote;
>import java.rmi.RemoteException;
>public interface HelloIF extends Remote {
> public String sayHello(String s) throws RemoteException;
> public java.util.List sayHelloList(String s) throws RemoteException;
> public java.util.List getFooList() throws RemoteException;
>package helloservice;
>import hello.Foo;
>public class HelloImpl implements HelloIF {
> public String message = "Hello ";
> public String sayHello(String s) {
> return message + s;
> }
> public java.util.List sayHelloList(String s) {
> java.util.List list = new java.util.LinkedList();
> list.add(message);
> list.add(s);
> return list;
> }
> public java.util.List getFooList() {
> java.util.List list = new java.util.LinkedList();
> Foo
> foo = new Foo(); foo.setIntVal(1); foo.setStringVal("Tim");
> foo = new Foo(); foo.setIntVal(1); foo.setStringVal("Tim");
> foo = new Foo(); foo.setIntVal(1); foo.setStringVal("Tim");
> foo = new Foo(); foo.setIntVal(1); foo.setStringVal("Tim");
> return list;
> }
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
><definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
>xmlns:tns="urn:Foo" xmlns:ns2="http://java.sun.com/jax-rpc-ri/internal"
>xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" name="MyHelloService"
> <types>
> <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
> <import namespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
> <import namespace="urn:Foo"/>
> <complexType name="list">
> <complexContent>
> <extension base="tns:collection">
> <sequence/></extension></complexContent></complexType>
> <complexType name="collection">
> <complexContent>
> <restriction base="soap11-enc:Array">
> <attribute ref="soap11-enc:arrayType"
> <complexType name="linkedList">
> <complexContent>
> <extension base="tns:list">
> <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
>xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" targetNamespace="urn:Foo">
> <import namespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
> <import namespace="http://java.sun.com/jax-rpc-ri/internal"/>
> <complexType name="Foo">
> <sequence>
> <element name="intVal" type="int"/>
> <element name="stringVal"
> <message name="HelloIF_getFooList"/>
> <message name="HelloIF_getFooListResponse">
> <part name="result" type="ns2:list"/></message>
> <message name="HelloIF_sayHello">
> <part name="String_1" type="xsd:string"/></message>
> <message name="HelloIF_sayHelloResponse">
> <part name="result" type="xsd:string"/></message>
> <message name="HelloIF_sayHelloList">
> <part name="String_1" type="xsd:string"/></message>
> <message name="HelloIF_sayHelloListResponse">
> <part name="result" type="ns2:list"/></message>
> <portType name="HelloIF">
> <operation name="getFooList" parameterOrder="">
> <input message="tns:HelloIF_getFooList"/>
> <output message="tns:HelloIF_getFooListResponse"/></operation>
> <operation name="sayHello" parameterOrder="String_1">
> <input message="tns:HelloIF_sayHello"/>
> <output message="tns:HelloIF_sayHelloResponse"/></operation>
> <operation name="sayHelloList" parameterOrder="String_1">
> <input message="tns:HelloIF_sayHelloList"/>
> <output
> <binding name="HelloIFBinding" type="tns:HelloIF">
> <operation name="getFooList">
> <input>
> <soap:body
>encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded"
> <output>
> <soap:body
>encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded"
> <soap:operation soapAction=""/></operation>
> <operation name="sayHello">
> <input>
> <soap:body
>encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded"
> <output>
> <soap:body
>encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded"
> <soap:operation soapAction=""/></operation>
> <operation name="sayHelloList">
> <input>
> <soap:body
>encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded"
> <output>
> <soap:body
>encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" use="encoded"
> <soap:operation soapAction=""/></operation>
> <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"
> <service name="MyHelloService">
> <port name="HelloIFPort" binding="tns:HelloIFBinding">
> <soap:address xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
>-----Ant run output-----
>ant\bin\ant run
>Buildfile: build.xml
> [java] Endpoint address = http://localhost:8080/hello-jaxrpc/hello
> [java] Hello Duke!
> [java] 2
> [java] [0]=Hello
> [java] [1]=Tim!
> [java] java.rmi.RemoteException: Runtime exception; nested
>exception is:
> [java] deserialization error: deserialization error: no
>deserializer is registered for (null, {urn:Foo}Foo)
> [java] at
> [java] at
> [java] at
> [java] at staticstub.HelloClient.main(Unknown Source)
> [java] Caused by: deserialization error: deserialization error: no
>deserializer is registered for (null, {urn:Foo}Foo)
> [java] at
> [java] at
> [java] ... 2 more
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Doug Kohlert
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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