Re: Using unbounded sequences

From: Eric Rajkovic <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 21:21:52 -0800


You can also use the r2d tool provided by Microsoft under their GOT DOT NET community website,
to generate the wire format described with a WSDL which use RPC-literal message format.

I assume - also I have not tried it - this tool could also be used to generate the XML Schema
if once wanted to validate the entire SOAP body within an intermediary node which is
not a SOAP node.


Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
> Perhaps it is. But regardless of the impetus behind the behavior, the
> fact remains that .NET doesn't support RPC/Literal. If you want to build
> a service that interoperates with .NET, you should use Document/Literal.
> At 06:56 PM 3/24/2004, you wrote:
>> Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
>>> There are lots of people at WS-I that really wanted to exclude the
>>> RPC convention from the BP. But WS-I works by consensus, and it was a
>>> very divisive issue.
>> For the record, W3C works by consensus, WS-I does not. Working in a
>> standards body, losing a vote on one issue, then proclaiming that
>> you support the resulting standard all while refusing to support
>> the one feature on which you got outvoted is, well, "childish".
>> Roberto
>> --
>> Roberto Chinnici
>> Java Web Services
>> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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> Anne Thomas Manes
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