Steve Pruitt wrote:
> I need to develop a service that returns two things: a binary
> attachment and a xml document that has meta information about the
> attachment. I cannot find any WS or SOAP books that have a
> meaningful example. There are tantalizing hints floating around on
> various forums. But, I can't find a good example for my needs. In
> addition to the attachment and xml return types, I want to use
> jax-rpc to maximize portability and implement my service as a
> stateless SessionBean.
I modified the code I got from Sameer Tyagi (Co-author
of Java Web Services Architecture) to make it work
under Java WSDP 1.3 tutorial build directory structure.
It contains code for sending an attachment as either
DataHandler or javax.xml.transform.Source object.
It can be obtained from ( file)
Sang Shin,
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