Re: How does HandleFault get invoked in Handler.

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2004 16:13:35 -0500

> I have been assuming that handleFault() would process these "SOAP Fault"
> responses, but that is not how it works in Axis. Perhaps I am wrong,
> and handleFault() is only supposed to be called when a
> SOAPFaultException is thrown by an upstream handler in the
> HandlerChain. The JAX-RPC specification doesn't seem very clear on this.

Hi Mark,

The spec doesn't explicitly state that a fault coming back to the client
(instead of a normal response) go to handleFault() instead of
handleResponse(). Some implementations may send it to handleResponse()
just because it's faster to do so. The next release of the jaxrpc SI may
call handleFault() when the server returns one instead of a normal response.


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