From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 14:29:07 -0500

> Here you go. Keep in mind, this was generated by wscompile.

Hi Gabe,

It's working fine for me. I used your wsdl to generate the service and
when I view the wsdl file through the servlet the location is being
transformed correctly. All I can suggest is to make sure your endpoint
name in your jaxrpc-ri-runtime.xml file is the same as the service name
in your wsdl. If it helps, I attached my file (the name is different but
it's the same thing) but with some of the package names deleted. It's
possible that it's not finding an endpoint to match the urlPattern and
so it's not changing anything at transformation time.

Make sure you can go to http://server/warfile/endpoint and get a web
page that says "Web Services" with a description of the service. There
should be a link on that page like http://server/warfile/endpoint?WSDL
just to make sure it's finding the endpoint ok.


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