According to section 7.4 of the spec, MIME binding is optional. Thus
section 7.5 only comes into play if MIME binding is supported.
JAXRPC currently does not support it. However, a future release will.
Thank you for using JAXRPC
Kevin Jones wrote:
> If I have an interface in Java that looks like this:
> public boolean addImage(Image im) throws...
> And I run wscompile I get this in the WSDL
> <simpleType name="datahandler">
> <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
> </simpleType>
> <message name="BooksIF_addImage">
> <part name="DataHandler_1" type="ns3:datahandler"/>
> </message>
> i.e. the Image is mapped to base64 encoded data.
> Sec 7.5 of the JAX-RPC spec says: "A Java to WSDL mapping tool is
> required to provide a facility for specifying metadata
> related to the above mapping between Java and MIME types. This metadata
> identifies
> whether a Java type is mapped to a MIME type (using the WSDL MIME
> binding) or is
> mapped to an XML schema type (based on the section 4.2, "XML to Java
> Type
> Mapping"). For example, a java.lang.String can be mapped to either an
> xsd:string
> or MIME type text/plain. The mapping metadata identifies a specific
> mapping."
> Can I do this with wscompile, i.e. map the Image to a MIME binding
> rather than a schema type?
> Thanks,
> Kevin Jones
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Doug Kohlert
Java Software Division
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
phone: 503 345-9806
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