Re: Mapping Java Types to MIME Bindings

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2003 11:38:31 -0800

According to section 7.4 of the spec, MIME binding is optional. Thus
section 7.5 only comes into play if MIME binding is supported.
JAXRPC currently does not support it. However, a future release will.

Thank you for using JAXRPC

Kevin Jones wrote:
> If I have an interface in Java that looks like this:
> public boolean addImage(Image im) throws...
> And I run wscompile I get this in the WSDL
> <simpleType name="datahandler">
> <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
> </simpleType>
> <message name="BooksIF_addImage">
> <part name="DataHandler_1" type="ns3:datahandler"/>
> </message>
> i.e. the Image is mapped to base64 encoded data.
> Sec 7.5 of the JAX-RPC spec says: "A Java to WSDL mapping tool is
> required to provide a facility for specifying metadata
> related to the above mapping between Java and MIME types. This metadata
> identifies
> whether a Java type is mapped to a MIME type (using the WSDL MIME
> binding) or is
> mapped to an XML schema type (based on the section 4.2, "XML to Java
> Type
> Mapping"). For example, a java.lang.String can be mapped to either an
> xsd:string
> or MIME type text/plain. The mapping metadata identifies a specific
> mapping."
> Can I do this with wscompile, i.e. map the Image to a MIME binding
> rather than a schema type?
> Thanks,
> Kevin Jones
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Doug Kohlert
Java Software Division
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
phone: 503 345-9806
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