Re: MessageContext->Stub and Stub->MessageContext?

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 14:13:54 -0400

> Your suggestion of using singleton class for save/retrieve token works for simple java client, what if
> the client is a web client?

I'm not sure I understand this question -- the case I was talking about
was a web client, and it was just a simple way that handlers and the
client app can share information.

> Do you have a suggestion on how to access HttpSession from a client soap
> handler???

The jaxrpc runtime takes care of handling the http work for you, so you
can't access info in the http header (as opposed to SOAP header) in your
client. If you want your client to maintain session using the http
header session id, you don't have to do any work in the client for this.
Just set the SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY on your stub before making rpc


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