wsdeploy bug

From: Hoebeke Mark <>
Date: 09 Oct 2003 08:26:47 +0200

Upon request from dkohlert[1], I attached an archive of a web service
project exposing what apparently is a bug in wsdeploy.

The bug causes wsdeploy to raise a NullPointerException when processing
the mutliple endpoints of a jaxrpc-ri.xml file in a given order.
Apparently, the bug could be related to the use of common classes in
both endpoints.

The example has been trimmed down to (almost) the strict minimum. The
archive contains two jaxrpc-ri.xml files, the first one, suffixed .bad
is the one to use to produce the bug, the other, suffixed .ok does not
produce the bug. The only difference between the two is a renaming of
one of the endpoints (Result vs. Results) causing wsdeploy to process
them in the reverse order[2].

To produce the bug : rename jaxrpc-ri.xml.bad to jaxrpc-ri.xml and issue
an 'ant build' command[3]. To get the project to build correctly, rename
the jaxrpc-ri.xml.ok to jaxrpc-ri.xml and again, issue 'ant build'.

Here's the environment I produce the bug on : Linux Mandrake 9.1 on i686
class machines (kernel 2.4.21), JDKs 1.4.1 and 1.4.2_01, JWSDP 1.1 and

Following dkohlert's advice, I also filed a bug report which received
the review ID of: 214836.

Of course, I am willing to answer any further request relative to this

Thanks for any help you can provide.



[2]Of course, I could rename the endpoint in the project to work around
the bug, but this is not satisfactory.
[3]The settings in the file expect a JWSDP 1.2
directory hierarchy located in /home/tomcat/jwsdp-1.2


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