Re: Dynamic Proxy invocation

From: Rajesh Chawla <>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:12:02 -0700

I've been able to do this by running xrpcc on the WSDL file and then
the model file generated to retrieve the correct classnames. If you find a
way to do this I would love to hear about it.


                    Suresh Y
                    <suresh.yellamaraju@ To: JAXRPC-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM
                    SUN.COM> cc:
                    Sent by: Public Subject: Dynamic Proxy invocation
                    discussion on

                    02/11/2003 08:41 AM
                    Please respond to
                    Public discussion on

Given only a WSDL document and method name, how do we get to know the
serviceEndpointInterface class to use, in getPort method of Service? Is
there any sample code that illustrates how to do this?