Re: Help with Passing Object

From: Baltz, Kenneth <Kbaltz_at_FIRSTAM.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 09:59:29 -0800

Can you post the text of the compile errors you are getting. We're going to
need more specifics in order to help you.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Jones [mailto:richardjones_at_EMAIL.COM]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 9:45 AM
> Subject: Help with Passing Object
> Please can any one help,
> I have a Object called package.category.Category.class and I
> want to pass it using JAX-RPC.
> The JAX-RPC code is in a package called
> pakage.rpc.CallCategory I can not seem to get the Client code
> to compile correctly. I am using an adapted verion of the
> Java web services targets to do this can.
> Does anyone know of a simple and effective way to do this or
> have a better idea??
> Please help I am losing my mind
> --
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